Friday, April 24, 2015

Problems with Fast Food

There’s lots of things about fast food that has horrible effects on environment 

And these things are increasing every day. One problem with eating fast food has

Bad effects on our health, fast food has fats and unhealthy chemicals. Fast food places sell an awful lot of meat, and a lot of trees are cut down. One problem with eating fast food is the bad effects it has on our heath, fast food has fats and unhealthy chemicals. Fast food places sell an awful lot of meat. And a lot of trees are cut down for grazing land. Many of their items are transported from long distances, before they reach your seat, further increasing their impact on air quantity. They also have negative water, one fourth of it has oil and it uses lots if packaging. Which takes about 20 to 100 years to disambiguate. Over all fast food places also uses tons of packaging with a lot of their products. Most of it if not all, of this meat is made at the factory farms, which makes more global warming than all our cars put together. The world can’t keep going on like this. If it does kids will live unhealthy environments. We have to find another way to help the environments by choosing healthier food choices.


       There’s so many ways to help the earth this isn’t even 1% of what we do as a country but there’s hope in the world. You should consider ordering healthier meals because if you don’t most people in the U.S will be overweight. Don’t buy cheese burgers that cost on dollar because it’s bad for our health even though its low priced. There trying to get you buy it. The problem is the more of them we buy the more rescores it takes. Most of their food has 9 grams of fat, that’s a lot for something little like that. Child should start buying apple slices because 7 %  of the children would choose French fries the one that’s bad for you. Lots of people don’t even think where their trash goes it all goes in a landfill.


      Some things help the earth some things don’t. But these are some things that can. You can order less meat on your cheese burgers and other foods to eat healthier. Courage your school and family to reuse plastic straws because it can help landfills. Lots of things meaning plastic takes around 15 to 20% of landfills. Ask to not give paper french-fry holders and the paper underneath your trey. You can reuse plastic ware, Instead of getting your own and throwing it away. You could get it and reuse it. You’re not alone on this were depending on you to tell friends, family and you relatives.


                                                Getting something and throwing it away is little. Getting something and reusing it means a lot, here’s some things that I do or plan to do.     I plan to not order plastic water bottles at fast food restaurants. My family and I recycle plastic straws to help the environment. I plan to choose apple slices instead of French fries. I plan before I throw my stuff away I’ll think if I could reuse it. It’s time to move on, things will work this way if you listen to me. Things won’t if you don’t listen to me.


    There’s only on way to eat healthier and recycle and that chance is depended on you. I’m hoping you pick up this information but hey I care about this and you should to. I’m just a kid and so much more people could help the question is will you help too?

If you’re thinking his isn’t important than you should! There’s so many ways of eating healthier, people are going to live where trash is everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peyton. This is very interesting. What do you think is the healthiest fast food restaurant to eat at? Do you think McDonald's has anything that is a better choice? Thank you.
